Using Your Inner Guidance System
You have incredible powers of mind and emotions that give you timely and accurate feedback in every area of your life. You learn how to "tune in" to yourself so you can make the right decision in every situation. Using Your Inner Guidance System We know that the body has a natural bias toward health and energy. It's designed to last for 100 years with proper care and maintenance. When something goes wrong with any part of our body, we experience it in the form of pain or discomfort of some kind.We know that when our body is not functioning smoothly and painlessly, something is wrong, and we take action to correct it. We go to a doctor; we take pills; we undergo physical therapy, massage or chiropractic. We know that if we ignore pain or discomfort for any period of time, it could lead to something more serious. How to Tell Right From Wrong In the same sense, nature also gives us a way to tell emotionally what's right for us and what's wrong for us in life. Just as...