
Showing posts from December 30, 2014

Quit Trying

To get more done, quit trying so hard. Be at peace with the moment, and you’ll be able to make highly effective use of it.  Achievement is your natural state. Stop second guessing your intentions, and start acting on them. Reason to try is for cowards to go n achieve is for champions. Awesome right! Let go of the obsession that you must grab on to every little distraction that comes along. Great and meaningful value comes from lovingly and intently focusing on the task at hand.  Selfishly hiding away from life won’t do anyone any good. The more you give, the more you accomplish. Note to be focused on your goal with the end in mind. Have faith in what feels right, and in the actions you take to follow those feelings. Let yourself be the creative and fulfilled person you know you are.  Quit merely trying and start living. Choose now to be peaceful and confident, and to get your good and useful work done.

Great Opportunity

There is great possibility in you. Even here, even now, even with what you’ve been through, even with the way things are, there is great possibility.  Some specific, acutely meaningful possibility will have you jumping into an enthusiastic start every morning. You can already feel it within you, so figure out exactly what it is, and begin to live it.  There are things you dearly love about life. Allow yourself to love them even more and to greatly expand them.  Expect value, goodness, creativity and fulfillment to come from your actions. Then take those actions, with commitment, love, and positive presence.  When life is going well, there is the very real possibility to make it better. When life is not going well, that possibility is more clearly present and intensely compelling.  In this day, in this place, in this situation, and in you, is great possibility. Now is when you can do what you’ve always known you can do, and make it come to life.