
Showing posts from June 18, 2009


Remove your title and see who you are made off Remove your title and see what you are made off THE BEGINNINGS OF STANFORD!!!! !!!! (Be sure to read to the end !) A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston , and walked timidly without an appointment in to the Harvard University President's outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge . 'We'd like to see the president,' the man said softly. 'He'll be busy all day,' the secretary snapped. 'We'll wait,' the lady replied.For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away.. They didn't, and the secretary grew frustra ted and finally decided to disturb thepresident, even though it was a chore she always regret ted.'Maybe if you see them for a ...

Two Key Questions for Maximum Effectiveness

There are two questions that you can ask on a regular basis to keep yourself focused on getting your most important tasks completed on schedule. The first question is "What are my highest value activities?"Put another way, what are the most important tasks you have to complete to make the greatest contribution to your organization? To your family? To your life in general? Think it Through Carefully This is one of the most important questions you can ask and answer. What are your highest value activities? First, think this through for yourself. Then, ask your boss. Ask your coworkers and subordinates. Ask your friends and family. Like focusing the lens of a camera, you must be crystal clear about your highest value activities before you begin work. Keep Yourself Focused The second question you can ask continually is, "What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference?"This question comes from Peter Drucker, the management guru. It is one of the...

Employment Law

WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT ? Employment means work or service performed by an individual to the task at hand for another person or entity in exchange for wages or other remuneration. WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT LAW ? Employment Law is the law which regulates the operation of the labour market in general and the employment relationship between employers and employees in particular. Examples include hiring process, suspension from work, maternity rights, layoff and wages. The obligations and rights of an employment contract are covered by the Employment law. When an offer for employment is made by an employer to an employee, the law governing the relationship between an employee and an employer begins. WHAT ARE THE BASIC TERMS USED TO DESCRIBE THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP ? An employer in relation to an employee or a workman, means a person by whom the employee or workman is employed. An employer obtains the services of another to perform work and has direct control of the way in which the work is to be d...


Once you have been adjudged a bankrupt, you cannot hold certain public offices. Bankruptcy damages your standing in the community. The Official Assignee will administer all your assets, trace and monitor your conduct. Your assets will be disposed to pay the costs and creditors. The Official Assignee may also recover property if you disposed of it in a way which was unfair to your creditors. It is a offence for you to obtain any credit either alone or with others. You are not allowed to conduct business be it directly or indirectly in a different name from that in which you were made bankrupt. You cannot be concerned in any promotion or managing a company without the permission from the Official Assignee. Travel restrictions would come into force and you will lose your passport. You can obtain a passport under some reason with the permission of the Official Assignee. You can only open a bank account with the approval of the Official Assignee for crediting your monthly income. Certain co...


Bankruptcy is a way to deal with debts that you are unable to settle as and when they fall due. The bankruptcy proceedings free you from excessive debts allowing you to make a fresh start subject to some restrictions and ensure that your assets are shared out to repay creditors. A person who has been judged by a law-court to be unable to pay his debts as they fall due is a bankrupt. Anybody can go bankrupt, including members of a partnership. WHY THE BANKRUPTCY LAW ? Bankruptcy law provides for the development of a plan that allows a debtor, who is unable to settle his debts and to pay through the division of his assets among his creditors. Under the supervised division, the interests of all creditors will be treated with some measure of equality. The courts have had to take account of the existence of companies operating within the jurisdiction that have subsequently become insolvent. Malaysia's bankruptcy law is based on English law. IF LOTS OF PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES GO INTO BANKR...