Free Yourself & Go Ahead

Free yourself from your worries about what others might think or say about you. Free yourself from the limitations that your doubts have imposed upon you. Free yourself from the misguided assumption that effort is something to be avoided. Free yourself from those comfortable, yet negative habits that waste so much of your precious time. There is so much good you can do right here and now. Free yourself to experience the joy of creating that goodness as you live each moment. There are countless great possibilities open to you today. Free yourself to go right ahead, to explore and fulfill the best of those possibilities. Free yourself from the need to be troubled by the troubles. Allow yourself to accept what is, and then allow and encourage yourself to make the very best of it. Free yourself from whatever may have held you back before. This is your time to live, and to do so with all the spirit and energy of which you’re so beautifully capable.