
Showing posts from September 1, 2015

Purpose you cannot deny

The thing that will keep you focused is not a strategy or technique or condition. What will keep you focused, and disciplined, and committed, is a purpose you cannot deny. If you’re serving a purpose that isn’t really your purpose, you’ll easily be distracted from it. Yet when you follow a purpose that lives at your very core, nothing can pull you away from it. Focus is not about trying hard. Focus is about living true. Great achievement demands great effort. A clear, authentic purpose is what will drive that effort, and make it feel like no effort at all. Be honest with life, be honest with others and, most of all, be honest with yourself. It is an unwavering commitment to truth and openness that enables you to connect to the power of your purpose. Live the purpose that lives at your heart. And live with richness in every moment

Beyond the limitations

The world does not persecute you so much as you would think. Anything that holds you back is assisted in great part by your own imagination, or lack thereof. Imagine for a while that the barriers are not there. Imagine what you could do if you stepped outside your current assumptions. The more you focus on what holds you back, the more it holds you back. Imagine being free of the limitations and suddenly, in a very real way, you are. The energy of your mind has great power. Apply that energy in a positive direction. Visualize life beyond the limitations. You won’t erase those limitations, yet you can make them far less significant, and much less confining. Seeing that something is possible, makes it possible for you. Imagine life beyond the limitations, and go do what you have imagined.

Always a new way

There’s always a new way to appreciate life. There’s always a new way to be helpful to others. No matter how much you’ve seen or done, there are always new things to experience. No matter how much you’ve achieved, there are always new ways to create value. There are new problems to be solved and new beauty to be enjoyed. There are new people to meet and new ways to enrich the relationships you already have. There are new and more compelling ways to express what you’ve always known. There are new ways to give your love to those you’ve always loved. There is never any reason to be bored or complacent or unmotivated. Every moment offers the possibility of living life in new and more satisfying ways. There’s always a new way to make this a great day. In this moment, life begins again, so live it with the fresh, new enthusiasm it deserves

Activate your energy

Tell yourself, right now, that you’re going to live this day with a high level of positive energy. Remind yourself, right now, that you don’t have to let anything make you sluggish or hesitant. Let the comments, dramas and situations come and go as they will. Through it all, offer your own enthusiastic energy to life. This is a day to make real progress in a meaningful direction. This is a day to engage yourself with your best possibilities. Though others may sit around nurturing their doubts and dreaming up excuses, you have much better things to do. You have the energy and the willingness to make good things happen. It’s nice when you get encouragement and validation from others for what you’re doing, but not an absolute necessity. You can activate your energy and move forward even when there’s no one there to urge you on. This very day offers all kinds of great rewards. Put your energy into living this day and earn yourself the best of those rewards.

Morning Thoughts
