
Showing posts from November 28, 2014

Jump Right In

Stop waiting, dreaming and hoping for someday. Start living and working today to achieve the best of your dreams and to fulfill the highest of your hopes. Whatever you put off until someday, never happens. Someday is forever out there, just around the corner, but never here and now. All that you have, and all the great and creative things you’re able to do, are here and now. So jump right in and enjoy making life happen, here and now. Waiting for someday is a lame excuse and a convenient way to hide from your own best possibilities. Choose today to stop hiding and to start really living. No matter how ambitious your goal may be, there is something you can do about it right now. There is no need, and there is no point, in putting your fulfillment off until some non-existent someday. Today is what you have, and it’s filled with energy, with possibility, with life and awareness and with your powerful presence. Embrace this day with all its richness, and use its moments to live true to you...