Bad Leader can push you off the bike and under the BUS
SSo I guess the first thing to address is that not everyone feels the same way about a particular leader; one who may be "bad" for you may be wonderful for another. We all have different needs/motivations/aspirations/personalities and strengths; we all perform at our best under a variety of circumstances or influences. Many people have stated to me on other articles that a good leader will take everyone's differences into account when they are looking at their team and adopt an approach appropriate to that team member to ensure the best results for the team member, the team and ultimately the business. I also believe that the one in charge of assigning a team member to a leader, or visa versa, should take into account whether they are a good fit to bring the best out in each other. There's no doubt what works for me may not work for you. I have read so many times "hire good people and let them get on with it" - this approach definitely works for me. If I am ...