
Showing posts from August 18, 2019

How to avoid REDUNDANCY!

There are just too many scenarios today where many people are caught in a redundancy situation. You may know of someone who is waiting for a mutual separation scheme, someone who is being displaced or transferred into a pool of resources, or someone being cold storaged. Most of the times, it is sadly happening to people who are not prepared for it, and they may be in a shock state and not taking the right recovery action fast enough. I have been in such situations before, and have been preparing my teams wherever I go. But we can never be prepared adequately, and sometimes you just cannot avoid being made redundant at some point in your career. Top revenue lines are declining, costs are escalating and hence profit margins need to be defended. Businesses are transforming at a fast pace to stay relevant. It needs a lean, preferably digital native team with innovative ideas and ready to explore new things. Here are my 7 thoughts in order to get onboard the right train, and how best to ste...

relating with others is just as important as working with others

Having a good  relationship  with those that you report to and work with, is important. Keeping your head down, not causing any conflict with others, and getting your responsibilities done is not a  relationship . To name a few, open communication, feedback, trust, mindfulness, and mutual respect are characteristics that define a healthy working  relationship . Healthy, working  relationships  can make your work life a lot easier and more enjoyable. When you’re happy at work, you’ll be happy outside of work, therefore the benefits are endless. According to a study done by  Gallup , people who have a friend at work are seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs. Given the ample amount of time employees spend together, the development of good relationships can increase employee morale and productivity in the workplace. Conversely, a firm and unfriendly environment will have the opposite effect. Although we are social beings that crave friendship...