Top 7 Reasons Why Great Companies Rise To The Top, Even During Recessionary Times

1. Great companies transform external threats into opportunities. The Japanese are masters at crisis management and look at situations like recessions as polarities. ie., neither all good nor all bad, but a mixture of both. The Japanese symbol for crises is a representation of two separate symbols: danger and opportunity. Such a perspective encourages responsiveness - not re activeness. As a result, the Japanese focus not on the problem, but on new solutions ... not on survivability, but on growth ... not on short-term losses, but long-term prospects. How are you perceiving the current downturn - as a threat or an opportunity? How have you reacted to past recessions? How might the recession actually be an opportunity for your business? 2. Great companies take advantage of and profit from changing dynamics in the marketplace. A business can grow and profit during a recession if it understands the underlying dynamics of the marketplace. Crises tend to stimula...