Are we thanking our employees the simple way

"Thank you." These two simple, monosyllabic words mindlessly slip off our tongues every day, almost reflexively. We utter them so much they've all but become meaningless, out and about, at home and especially at the office. If you merely grunt a quick, curt "thank you" to a colleague who just did you a solid, and then say nothing more, you might as well say "thanks for nothing." "This one especially applies to bosses, who often feel, 'I don't have to thank my employees because I'm paying them,'"as I mentioned to somemagazines tells during a phone interview. "It goes a long way, starting at the top, where leaders can model gratitude, and not with employee-of-the-month programs that can cause animosity. It could be as simple as taking a few seconds to pop your head into someone's office and properly saying 'thank you' to them for expending their life-energy to make your business successful." Notice the ope...