Invest In Yourself

Jim Rohn, the renowned management guru from the US once said, “Invest more in yourself than in your career because the most skilled and competent people are NEVER unemployed”. I certainly think that this is very, very good advice indeed and is something that everyone in the workforce should take heed of. To ‘invest in yourself’ first and foremost means treating yourself as an asset!! You must accept the fact that you are an asset either to your company, to your family, spouse etc. You must therefore do everything you can in order to increase the value of this asset. Improving your skills, academic qualifications and health for example will most certainly mean that the value of this asset goes up. You will then reap high returns as the effort you put into consistently improving yourself will certainly play a role in determining your destiny and quality of life in the future.

Some simple ways to invest in yourself are as follows:

a. Invest in your health. This is paramount as without good health, nothing else matters. Invest at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week for physical activity and manage your eating habits well. All the skills in the world will be useless if you do not have good health.

b. Invest in your education. Go get that degree, Masters Program or that qualification that you have always wanted. Please remember that higher education does not suddenly make you competent, but it surely opens doors to higher appointments.

c. Invest in your skills. Attend every course that the company sends you to and more! Skills will not improve over night. However with every course you go to, another piece of your life’s skills will drop in place. So take that first step to learn a new language, learn to communicate better and learn to be better at your job for example.

d. Invest in your mind! Read more, either books or magazines. If this is difficult because of lack of time, then invest in CDs and listen to motivational/management presentations by the world’s best management gurus, as you drive to and from work. Doing so makes your mind assimilate positive ideas and thoughts which will ensure creativity and sound decision making.

Doing all of the above will surely develop and improve your most important asset i.e. YOU! In life, we can reap the greatest rewards by just making minute changes to the way we live and work. Most people leave this vital responsibility of personal development and skills enhancement to their companies. My view is that it is too important to leave this critical aspect of your life to other people. So put some thought into what you have just read and make your own personal development plan. I assure you, this can be a life changing decision!!!


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