Attitude Is Everything

Ever since I became a professional speaker and trainer, much of my work has been with corporations. Managers have invited me to speak to their sales forces, their office staffs or their management groups. But over the last several years there has been a change in the tone of the invitations. In my first year, the invitations were something like this: “Amar, we’re going for a record year and I really want to keep my people pumped up. I’d like for you to help us raise our attitudes another notch.” The times have really changed. Today, the invitations are more like, “Amar, we’ve got a lot of challenges merging different cultures. Our people are more worried about their futures than their work. Frankly, I have to do something. Amar, I know you can help us, and we’re ready to get started. What can you do to help?” The workplace has changed dramatically. Companies are either “downsizing,” “rightsizing,” “merging” or “being acquired.” Thousands of people who thought their li...