
Showing posts from August 6, 2015

Difference in Generations in Pictures


Gen Z, Gen Y, baby boomers – a guide to the generations

As a new report says Generation Z are smarter and more prudent than Gen Y, here's a guide to all those complex generational labels. Do you know your Baby Boomers from your Millennials? Generation Z Okay, it is a rubbish label. You might have thought they'd come up with something better by now. Nonetheless, Gen Z are the group born since just before the start of the Millennium. Not Thatcher's children -- more New Labour's offspring. Poor lambs, they are still in their teens and someone has already slapped a label on them. Post-Millennials, Gen Wii, iGeneration were all floated by  USA Today   back in 2012, but Gen Z seems to have stuck. Too young to remember 9/11, they have grown up in a world in political and financial turmoil. As a result, they are keen to look after their money, and make the world a better place. A report by  Sparks & Honey ,  a US advertising agency (it is invariably ad agencies which try to fix labels to people), describes this

Who are the Most Productive: Generation X, Y or Z?

Each generation is defined by its unique educational background, skills and attitude. Whether it be the hardworking nature of Generation X, the tech-obsessed Generation Z or the independent nature of Generation Y – each hold specific skills that could benefit recruiters. To really understand clients, recruiters must adapt to fit each individual; understanding which generation they fall into is one way to do this. Next Generation  have created this handy infographic to visualise the comparison between Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z. Which Generation is the most successful? Which generation is home to the most  entrepreneurs ? Find out here. Takeaways: 70% of businesses and recruiters believe that Generation X are the best workers overall. Generation Z are skilled when it comes to technology savants, online work and innovation. This reflects advancements in technology that have occurred since Generation X and Y. Generation Y are the most passionate employees, accord

Where to Start

Are you not sure where to start? The place to start is where you are. Are you having trouble deciding on the first step to take? Just pick a step, take it, and you’ll suddenly be in a much better position to know what must be done next. Instead of waiting and wondering, speculating and procrastinating, worrying and making excuses, just go ahead and start. Put your time and energy into moving forward. You may not get it exactly right at first, in fact you probably won’t. Yet even if you make some initial mistakes, that’s a whole lot better than doing nothing. Start where you are, and go from there. Start where you are, and discover how much you enjoy the effort. The best way to know what to do next is by doing what you can do now. This is where to start, so do.

Gift Of Achievement

There is a gift you can give yourself at any time, in any place, that will make you feel great. It is the gift of achievement. Nothing feels quite the same as making the effort that results in achievement. When you make that effort, and reach that achievement, it helps not only you, but the whole world as well. Achievements can be big, spread over many years and requiring thousands of people. Or they can be much smaller, taking only a few minutes and yet making a real difference. Yet no matter what size the achievement may be, it always feels great to make a difference. And no matter what situation you are in, there is always a way to make that positive difference. You can give yourself, and your world, the gift of achievement right now. The more you do so, the more richness and fulfillment you’ll experience. At its very core, life is about making a difference. Now is a great time to give to yourself, and to everyone else, the gift of achievement.