
Showing posts from November 17, 2014

What You Need?

You have what you need. Now go make something of it.  You have an abundance of possibilities. Now get busy fulfilling the best of them.  You have resources, abilities, interests, skills and passions. Now do something meaningful and enjoyable with them.  Don’t waste your time and energy wishing for more. Invest yourself in creating new richness in your own unique way.  Instead of obsessing over what you don’t have, imagine what you can create. Instead of getting hung up on the challenges, get excited about the possibilities.  You are connected to all of life’s abundance. Now do the work to create and to follow the path of your own special greatness.

Be Sincerely Useful

Be sincerely useful, and create meaningful value. You’ll never run out of opportunities to make a difference.  The fulfillment you seek will not come from what you possess. It will come from what you contribute.  Life is beautiful and you can make it more so. The opportunity is everywhere.  The more challenging things become, the more of a difference you can make. Remind yourself how great it feels to genuinely be of service, and then do it again and again.  The more you give, the richer your life becomes. The more value you create, the more hopeful and fulfilling all of life becomes.  Seek to be useful, and you’ll find plenty of ways. Choose to make a positive difference, and experience life at its highest, most satisfying level.