Here are five reasons you don’t love your job: 1. You’re unorganized. Organization clears your head. When’s the last time you organized your inbox, updated your computer and mobile device software, or cleaned your workspace? Disarray causes anxiety, so get organized if you want to feel fulfilled creatively. 2. You’re stressed. By nature, work causes anxiety. But we all have to do it. If you aren’t taking time to step back and breathe, your stress will only get worse. Take the time to relax every day, not just on the weekends. 3. You’re not taking care of your body. Are you finding yourself reaching for junk food in the office vending machine? Are you overcaffeinated? Hitting up happy hour too frequently? Taking care of your body is the first step to unwinding, so pay attention to what goes in it. 4. You don’t like your colleagues. You see your colleagues each and every day. If you don’t get along on a personal level, it can be difficult to be in the same office together each da...