How to Write a Sample Letter Thanking Someone for a Job Well Done

Thanking someone for a job well done is not only polite, it also helps to build relationships and motivate the recipient to continue contributing his best work. When writing a thank-you letter, follow standard letter-writing etiquette, using a sincere tone and being specific about how the person contributed and what his efforts mean to you or to your organization. Basics Send the letter as soon as possible after the event or project you're thanking the person for, ideally within 24 hours and no more than two days later. Etiquette experts usually recommend sending a handwritten or typed letter for a more personal touch, but if you know the person well and frequently communicate by e-mail, that's also appropriate. E-mail is also acceptable if it's important to send the letter quickly, advises the Emily Post Institute, especially if it's sent as "a prelude to a handwritten note." If you're sending a handwritten or typed letter, use high-quality paper in white...