How To Psychologically Disarm Those Who Try to Make Your Life Miserable
What I am about to share with you can totally change your life. And no, it is not sucking up. It is a secret weapon that is your greatest source of power. Use it to your advantage. Let me explain. Isn’t it annoying when you can’t get along with your boss, colleagues, or subordinates? Would you agree with me that spending 8 hours with an annoying person is not fun? That is very stressful. Isn’t it? Years ago when I didn’t know better, I would advise you to quit that job and find another one. But you will probably meet another person just like that person wherever you go. You might say, “I don’t like to suck up. I want to be my own boss.” Well, losers call it sucking up but winners call it making friends. Besides, if you are planning to be your own boss one day, be ready to suck up to your customers. That's called customer service. You see what I mean? As the owner of your business, you better be prepared to go out your way to please the customer. And that’s the only way to be succe...