
Showing posts from June 22, 2009

Pass the 30-second test

OVER the past several years, I have worked with many companies, and I’ve been amazed to find that they do not know, and cannot articulate, their competitive advantage. How can a company expect prospects and customers to give their time and attention if they do not understand, clearly and concisely, what that company can do for them that no one else can do? The statement of competitive advantage is a 30-second statement of what differentiates your company in the marketplace. It sets you apart from the competition and it makes you sound like a polished expert right from the start. Companies who don’t understand their competitive advantage say things like “Our product is better quality” or “Our service is better”. Even if a company has better quality or better service, it won’t convince its customers just by saying so because many of its competitors will be saying the exact same thing! If you were to ask the average car dealer, computer store or furniture manufacturer what they do for a l...

Trust Your Subordinates

Definition of Leadership Leadership has been called "The ability to get followers." One of the deepest cravings of human nature is the need to feel important, to have a sense of meaning and purpose in life and work. Leaders are invariably those who can tap into the deeper emotions of others and get them to rise above and beyond anything they may have accomplished in the past. Inspiring Words Lead to Victory Winston Churchill was able to arouse and inspire an entire nation with words like these: "Let us so carry ourselves that if the British Empire should endure a thousand years, men will still say, this was their finest hour." Spearhead A Turnaround Lee Iacocca stepped into Chrysler Corporation when the company was almost bankrupt. Through the sheer force of his personality, his unshakable determination, his appeals to Congress, to Chrysler workers and to Chrysler customers on television, he spearheaded a turn-around that will go down in the history books as one of ...