PART 1 Napoleon once said: “One bad general does better than two good ones.” It takes a moment for the sense of this to register, but it is the same as our modern saying that “too many cooks spoil the broth”. Having one set of instructions, even if they are flawed, is preferable to having two sets of perfect directions that, when enacted together without reference to each other, cause havoc. This is the principle of leadership in a nutshell. It is all about maintaining focus and creating positive outcomes. So - what makes a successful leader, allowing one to accomplish this? 1. Ask to be judged 2. Don’t abuse your power 3. Your team is intelligent and can be trusted 4. Listen 5. Stop being an expert on everything 6. Be constructive 7. Judge your success by your team’s 8. Don’t be a narcissist 9. Have a sense of humor 10. Don’t be too distant Sun Tzu, writing in the 5th century BC in The Art of War said: “What enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and c