How do we Identify & Hire Leaders with Aspiration, Engagement and Agility
Over recent weeks and months many have asked How do we I dentify & Hire Leaders with Aspiration, Engagement and Agility who posses drive and a mind set in pushing for more for a group comprising of about 20 odd Chairman, Managing Directors from MNS'c and SME's, Executive Directors, Chief Executive Officers (not Chief Entertainment Officers) and Chief Operating Officers. The setting was at the tranquillity of the Mt Kiara Club with a great ambience of food and session like a round table and coffee discussion. This was a very focus group that wanted real solutions and answers to the ever challenging dilemmas that they were facing in hiring in todays evnvironment. Their leader is a no-nonsense personality. The problems faced were real. I received their feedback on my performance this week. It read: 1. Overall Content of Speaker’s presentation: 9.2 out of 10 2. Delivery Style of Speaker: 10 out of 10 3. Speaker’s St...