
Showing posts from September 29, 2009

Managing Multitask Jobs

All of life is a series of projects. A project is a complex task. It is often called a multitask job. This type of job requires the coordination of efforts of several people, each of whom is responsible for a part of the job, with every part of the job being necessary for successful completion. Your ability to handle these multitask jobs is a critical skill for success. All achievements of consequence are complex, and they involve the cooperation of many people. The Key Management Skill A study by Stanford University of the qualities that companies look for in promoting people into the position of chief executive officer concluded that the ability to put together a team to accomplish a task was the single most important identifiable quality of an executive who was destined for the fast track in his/her career. Your ability to put together teams to do multitask jobs or complete complex projects will determine the course of your career as much as any other factor. It will enable you to ...

Achieving Personal Excellence

Personal excellence is perhaps the most important of all invisible and intangible assets that you can acquire. Achieving personal excellence in your business or industry requires lifelong dedication. But once you get into the top 10 percent of your field, you will be one of the highest paid people in the country. You will enjoy the respect and esteem of the people around you. You will be able to live your life the way you want to live it. You will enjoy high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. Build Your Intellectual Assets Each person has or can acquire three forms of intellectual capital. These require an investment of study and hard work, but they pay off in higher income for the rest of your life. The first type of intellectual capital you can acquire consists of your core knowledge, skills, and abilities. These are the result of education, experience, and training. They determine how well you do your job and the value of your contribution to your business. Bui...

Plan for Turbulence

On a flight, when your plane takes off, the pilot tells all the passengers to stay in their seats with their seatbelts buckled. In many cases, the pilot will say, “We expect a certain amount of turbulence for the first part of the flight, so please stay buckled up.” When you start any new business or job, you will experience turbulence as well. Control Your Responses Strong people expect to experience problems on their journey toward their goals and destinations. Weak people are surprised and dismayed when things don't work out the way they had expected. They become angry and lash out. They blame other people for their problems. Often they become depressed or irrational. Your success is largely determined by your ability to respond effectively to problems as they come up. Fortunately, you can learn a number of effective strategies practiced by successful people to deal with problems. Problems Go with the Territory First of all, expect to have problems, disappointments, and temporar...


When you're well prepared for the challenges, you can actually enjoy working through them. When you enjoy the challenges, you'll be able to create great value. What can you do today that will make your work tomorrow go more smoothly? Though you may not know exactly what the challenges will be, there is still much you can do to prepare. Preparation boosts your confidence. Good, solid, thoughtful preparation makes your efforts more effective. Be well prepared, and your time will be spent moving forward instead of struggling to catch up. Be prepared, and you can effectively deal with small issues before they become big obstacles. Imagine the possibilities and then prepare yourself for them. That puts you in position to make the best of whatever may happen. Good preparation magnifies the positive influence of your efforts. Be prepared and everything becomes an opportunity.