Toxic Staff - Handle Them with Care

A surprising number of people just don’t get along at the office. Recent research by The Creative Group found that nearly one-third of executives surveyed have had someone try to make them look bad on the job. This type of behavior can range from pointing out someone’s mistake to copying a coworker’s manager on an email criticizing a project the person worked on. In fact, many companies should introduce a month like April as Workplace Conflict Awareness Month. Sometimes, workplace relationships can be complex and confusing. Personality types combined with competitiveness and the desire to protect “territory,” in the professional sense of the word, can combine and create strange behavior. But what do you do when you encounter a coworker who just seems to have it in for you? “It happens more often than you think,” says executive coach AJ - Malaysia. And the negative behavior may range from simply being adversarial to full-on sabotage. To counter such a difficult cow...