How To Maintain Optimal Flow For Peak Performance
Hello once again fellow entrepreneur friend colleague and all out there. Today we have a very interesting article based on an interview I had last week. When I think about this accomplishment, i told myself it has taken about ten years to get to that level of expertise in my presenting skills. This led us to discuss something I reiterate numerous times, that success is never an overnight phenomenon , and it’s always the long distance runners who win in the end. Endurance Beats Speed In many areas of business, you hear people talking about overnight success, but business and wealth creation needs to be committed to for the long term. I have has studied wealth creation for decades. The penny dropped after one of his mentors asked him to read the BRW Rich 200 and start studying billionaires , rather than listening to people who talk about making money. He noticed all these guys were 50+, and only started to really crack money game in the mid...