How To Maintain Optimal Flow For Peak Performance

Hello once again fellow entrepreneur friend colleague and all out there.

Today we have a very interesting article based on an interview I had last week. 

When I think about this accomplishment, i told myself it has taken about ten years to get to that level of expertise in my presenting skills. This led us to discuss something I reiterate numerous times, that success is never an overnight phenomenon, and it’s always the long distance runners who win in the end.

Endurance Beats Speed

In many areas of business, you hear people talking about overnight success, but business and wealth creation needs to be committed to for the long term. 

I have has studied wealth creation for decades. The penny dropped after one of his mentors asked him to read the BRW Rich 200 and start studying billionaires, rather than listening to people who talk about making money. He noticed all these guys were 50+, and only started to really crack money game in the mid 40’s. He also noticed that a lot of them were 60, 70 and 80 years of age.

At that point, it really hit me that if I wanted to figure this out and do it properly, I needed to let go, relax, do the work and realize it was going to take some time. One of the most useful things I have used to keep my mind in the right place for wealth creation is to keep my expectations in the short term realistic and stay focused on the long-term goal

Staying focused on the game for life, not moment to moment, keeps me in the state of relaxation and flow he needs to keep jumping his business to higher levels.

What is particularly fascinating about this is that I has cracked the game of wealthand business at a level many people only dream of, those who attain this degree of success in business, often do so much later in life. 

But I did this by shifting my focus, working smarter not harder, and learning how to maintain a state of coherence and flowwithin myself, and as we shall see in the next paragraph, without the latter, none of it would have been possible. That is fascinating! I think that equation could be worth noting for all of us.

How A Life Threatening Situation Led To Greater Coherence

In his early thirties, I suffered a massive accident, I can say that the accident turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences of his life. To explain this, I show the difference between elite athletes and business people. 

If you look at most business people, it’s almost a complete reverse model to an athletes model, we spend 80% of our time competing in our business, maybe 5%training, and if we’re lucky, 15% in rest and recuperation. This is actually a burn outmodel, and as I said it has burned me out many occasions.

One of the techniques I had to learn was moderating his energy levels. Like many business people, I used to become quite intense and run on adrenaline in my activities. Much like the sprinter, I was very effective very quickly, but suffered from exhaustion because of maintaining such an obsessive focus.

The greatest tool I found for moderating my energy levels and finding flow was something called “Heart Math“. Heart Math is based on the science of neurocardiology, which concentrates on the messaging system between the heart and the brain. Various meditation and spiritual disciplines create an alignment between the brain and the heart. Heart math is a scientific approach to accessing and accomplishing these same results. 

Heart Math focuses on coherence, helping people find a channel or a link between chaos and coherence as quickly as possible in stressful situations. Ultimately, it trains us to recognize coherence as a state being and access it on demand.

Heart Math has played a phenomenal role in my life, especially in my recovery from the accident and followed by a divorce. For three months after my accident, I had no short-term memory, and he would be grappling to remember things constantly. He said it was like torture to live in this state for three months. 

But one of the things heart math gave me was the ability to access information that was not neurologically based. So when I became panicked at not remembering things, I found I could use heart math to access the information, it would just come to me without me having to remember it. This happened through the process of aligning my heart and brain, so I could access information without having to use my brain to think about or remember the answer, it was more like using intuitive memory

Heart math has enabled me to bring focus to my heart in stressful situations, and put my heart back into a coherent state, which then sends messages to my mind, then through the rest of my body to return to a state of relaxation and flow for optimal performance. You can call it yoga.

When we relax, we give ourselves the ability to find flow. This is often the missing link when we are trying to be successful in our work, we’re so intense and focused, we can lose the natural flow that is there for us.

The Curious Case Of Our Inner Oracle

I can further explain that the heart sends 16 times more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart, our heart is communicating to the brain constantly. Our heart perceives information in the environment well before the brain does, and it communicates that information directly to the brain. 

Using heart math is one way to get access to information that is available in the environment to everyone, but very few people are tuned in to it. As many of you will have read in my previous articles, I talk a lot about using play to access creativity, and how our creativity gives us the ability to access information that is not present to the senses, in other words, it’s intuitive knowledge.

What is particularly interesting about this is until my conversation with my Doctors and Pyscologist, I’d never heard of Heart Math, but a very weird thread of similarity ran through the things I spoke about and what I wrote about in my blog on creativity. 

“I would often go in search of this book in the outer world, asking people if they knew of a book like one that was already imprinted in my own heart.”

Of course, I researched and cited the work of many leading authorities and scientists on play and creativity in the text, but the information I intuitively knew was only being reinforced by their findings.

The reason I’m telling you this is to show you that we all have access to our intuition, and the information is already sitting in our environment waiting for us to pick up on it. The trick is finding whatever works for youto access this and then doing it. 

Here you and me are on the same page about the heart being the crucial instrumentwe need to get connected and coherent with in order to make this happen. The more open our heart is, the more open we are to intuition, then the challenge is to have that information transported to the brain and interpreted in a way that we can receive it clearly. That’s where coherence comes in.

How Coherence Gives Us An Edge In Business

We need to create coherence within the communication system, and then be able to recognize the information that’s being sent as different from our thoughts or ego. 

I am teaching  Heart Math in my program, Power to Create. During the program, people find out how to read other people’s intentions, so we can pick up on people’s intentions in any scenario. Our heart can receive information, but it can also send information. This may sound a bit unusual, but the truth is, we’re all doing it all the time in our lives anyway. We may not be doing this consciously or effectively, because we have not consciously aligned our heart and brain frequencies for coherence.

I can explain that our heart has the most enormous amount of charge compared to any other part of our body. Every time it beats that pulse, it goes through the entire body, the thumping of the heart acts as a regulator, regulating the entire body organism

It also goes on to say that we’re constantly giving off heat in the form of photons. Our body is literally producing light, and depending on what we’re doing and thinking, our body is producing different levels of light. Every time our heart beats, it is imprinting information on the photons that are leaving our body. So whatever we hold in our hearts is being communicated to the rest of the environment.

Do you know that 85% to 95% of the time in his Power to Create program, people can read into situations, events, occurrences in people’s lives just by putting themselves into a state of coherence. The applications for this in our business are phenomenal. Most successful business people I know work from gut feeling and intuition when deciding on potential business partners. 

Sir Richard Branson says he knows within a few seconds of meeting someone whether or not he will do business with them, this is based on intuitive knowledge. By sensing another person’s intentions and level of coherence, we can decide immediately whether or not the other person’s intentions are coherent with our own.

Again, we all do this sometimes; none of us would do business with someone who didn’t “feel right” to us. It isn’t rocket science, it’s just common sense. Unfortunately, we’ve been trained to ignore or discount our intuition when really, if we are tuned into it properly, it’s a far more accurate method of discernment than relying only on material data alone. 

Thanks for reading and I’d love to hear your comments at the end


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