
Showing posts from August 12, 2009

Be a Doctor of Selling

Three Keys to Building Relationships Top sales professionals see themselves as "Doctors of Selling." They see themselves as professionals, well educated, acting in their "patient's" best interest, and bound by a high code of ethics. The medical process is the same everywhere. Whenever you go to any doctor, of any kind, for any condition, he will follow the three part sequence of examination, diagnosis and prescription. Begin With a Thorough Examination Just as a medical professional would never think of treating you without following these three steps in order, you as a doctor of selling, would never allow a customer to force you to sell without your going through your three stages as well. This is as applicable to selling magazines door-to-door as it is to selling oil tankers to Exxon. In the examination phase, you ask excellent questions, carefully prepared, in sequence, which are geared to give you a thorough knowledge of the patient's condition, or the c

The Foundations of the American Dream

In a free market economy like the United States, the customer is the king or queen, and they rule supreme. Business and entrepreneurship are devoted to serving customers, to improving the lives and work of ordinary people. This is what makes the American dream possible. The Spark plug of American Prosperity The entrepreneur is the spark plug in the engine of the free market and the business system. It is the entrepreneur who recognizes and anticipates a customer need, then assembles the resources necessary to satisfy that need at a price that yields a profit. It is this ability that creates all wealth and opportunity. Entrepreneurship is Risky Entrepreneurs are those who take risks to produce goods and services for customers, gambling that the customers will be there to pay prices high enough to yield profits. These profits are essential for the entrepreneur to repeat the process of developing and producing even more products and services in the future. The Companies of Tomorrow Some o

Which Will You Choose?

There are two things which nature discourages and severely penalizes: (a) a vacuum (emptiness) and (b) idleness (lack of action). Remove any muscle of the body from active use, and it will atrophy (waste away) and become useless. Tie an arm to your side and remove it from action and in time it, too, will wither and become useless. The same law which governs other portions of the body governs the brain, where the vibrations of thought are organized and released. A positive mind finds a way it can be done, a negativemind looks for all the ways it can’t be done. You either use your brain for controlled thinking in connection with things you want, or nature steps in and uses it to grow a crop of negative circumstances you do not want. You have a choice in this situation: You can take possession of your thought power, or you can let it be influenced by the stray winds of chance and circumstances you do not desire. But you cannot sit idly by and thus free yourself from the influence of these

A reminder

Trouble greets us all, but problems always seem to have a way to work themselves out, and we usually find afterward that we've grown from our struggles. And despite our problems and annoying setbacks,every day of our lives is filled with countless blessings. If you ever doubt it, just take a look around at the beautiful world we live in

The Complex Sale Today

The Sale is More Complex Today The entire process of selling today is more complex than it has ever been before. It used to be that we would make a single call on a single buyer who would make a single decision on our product or offering. In this simple form of selling, we used the attention/interest/ desire/action (AIDA) model of sales presentation and focused intensely on numerous different ways of closing the sale. Then, once we had made the sale, in many cases we never saw the customer again. Everything Has Changed Today, however, everything is different. Today we must make multiple calls, an average of five or six, in order to make the sale. We deal with multiple decision makers in an organization, each of whom can influence the purchase. Much of the sale takes place when we are not present. Sometimes we never even meet the final decision maker who signs the check. And it is not unusual for a sale to be derailed at the last minute by something completely unexpected. The Competitio

The Key to Leadership

The Foremost of the Values Winston Churchill once said, "Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend." The systematic development of the deep down quality of unflinching courage is one of the fundamental requirements for leadership in any field. Fear, or the lack of courage is more responsible for failure in management, and in life, than any other factor. It is always fear that causes people to hold back, to sell themselves short, to settle for far less than they are capable of! Eliminate Fear and Doubt I firmly believe that you can do, have or be far more than you now know if only you could eliminate the fear, doubts and misgivings that consciously and unconsciously interfere with your realizing your full potential. Unlearn Your Fears If there is anything positive about fear, it is that all fears are learned, that no one is born with fears, and that having been learned, they can be unlearned. If you want to understand the role of

Decide to Become Rich

We have passed from a world based on material limitations into a world that is determined by mental concepts. We have moved from the age of things into the "Psychozoic Age," the age of the mind. Wealth and opportunities are contained more in the person you are and the way you think than in the assets you have acquired in life so far. Your future lies more in your ability to apply your mind and intelligence to your work and your life than it does in your current job situation. Change Creates Opportunity The forces of change impact everything you do. The rate of change is accelerating week by week and month by month. The speed and variety of change is something over which you have no control, and about which you have no choice. The only decision you have to make is whether you are going to be a "master of change" or a "victim of change." Are you going to be a creator of circumstance or a creature of circumstances? It will be one of the other, but the impact

Moving onto the Fast Track in Your Career

This is one of the very best times in all of human history to be alive. There are more opportunities for you to get paid more and promoted faster today than have ever before existed. By practicing these great ideas for the rest of your career, you are surely going to be a financial success. Decide Exactly What You Want You can't hit a target you can't see. Define your ideal job and never stop striving until you get it. Create a Successful ImageTake the time to dress, groom, and look like a winner in all of your work activities. Start Earlier, Work Harder, and Stay Later Always look for ways to go the extra mile, and to do more than you're paid for. Ask for What You WantSpeak out clearly and ask for more responsibility, more opportunities, and more money. Guard Your Integrity as a Sacred ThingBe honest, straightforward, and truthful in all your interactions with others. Thing about the Future Continually look for ways to improve your company and your work in the weeks and mo

You & Changes

By Changing Your Thinking,You change your beliefs; When you change your beliefs,You change your expectations; When you change your expectations,You change your attitude; When you change your attitude,You change your behavior; When you change your behavior,You change your performance; Whe n you change your performance;You Change Your Life!