You Hate Your Job!

Here are five reasons you don’t love your job:

1. You’re unorganized. Organization clears your head. When’s the last time you organized your inbox, updated your computer and mobile device software, or cleaned your workspace? Disarray causes anxiety, so get organized if you want to feel fulfilled creatively.

2. You’re stressed. By nature, work causes anxiety. But we all have to do it. If you aren’t taking time to step back and breathe, your stress will only get worse. Take the time to relax every day, not just on the weekends.

3. You’re not taking care of your body. Are you finding yourself reaching for junk food in the office vending machine? Are you overcaffeinated? Hitting up happy hour too frequently? Taking care of your body is the first step to unwinding, so pay attention to what goes in it.

4. You don’t like your colleagues. You see your colleagues each and every day. If you don’t get along on a personal level, it can be difficult to be in the same office together each day. Try to practice empathy when dealing with your coworkers, and understand that they have a lot going on in their personal life, too. If someone seems angry or upset, take it as a sign that they need space.

5. Your finances aren’t in order. Just how much do you pay attention to your spending? Are you throwing money away on unnecessary items like clothing, expensive coffees, or new gadgets you don’t need? Getting your finances in order will afford you security. If you can’t reconcile your finances even after addressing your own spending habits, talk to your boss, or band together with other workers who are feeling the same.

In addition to the above reasons, it is necessary to consider the big picture. Before you automatically assume it's just your job, consider if you are in the right industry or with a company that matches your core values.

Before throwing in the towel, consider which aspects of your job you can change in order to make your work life less stressful and more enjoyable. Learning to love your job -- or just falling back in love with it -- is hard work, and it often takes a level of introspection and self-awareness that some of us inadvertently lack.


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