Everyone Can Perform “Miracles”

A positive mental attitude is the habit of keeping the mind busily engaged in connection with the circumstances and things one desires in life, and off then things one does not desire.

The majority of people go all the way through life with their mental attitudes dominated by fears and anxieties and worries over circumstances which somehow have a way of making their appearance sooner or later. And the strange part of this truth is that these people often blame other people for the misfortunes they have thus brought upon themselves by their negative mental attitudes.

The mind has a definite way of clothing one’s thoughts in appropriate physical equivalents. Think in terms of poverty and you will live in poverty. Think in terms of opulence and you will attract opulence.

Through the eternal law of harmonious attraction one’s thoughts always clothe themselves in material things appropriate unto their nature.

A positive mental attitude is the habit of looking upon all unpleasant circumstances with which one meets as merely opportunities for one to test his capacity to rise above them by searching for the “seed of an equivalent benefit” and putting it to work.

A positive mental attitude is the habit of evaluating all problems, and distinguishing the difference between those one can master and those one cannot control.

The person with a positive mental attitude endeavors to solve the problems he can control, and so relates himself to those he cannot control that they do not influence his mental attitude from positive to negative.


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