How to Get into the Two Percent Class of People Who Become Successful

Here are some suggestions of vital importance to you who sincerely desire to assimilate this philosophy of success and apply it to the achievement of the things you desire most in life:
Adjust yourself to other people’s states of mind and their peculiarities so that you can get along peacefully with them. Observe a dog and learn the art of self-control by watching how quickly he adjusts himself to the moods of his master.

Refrain from taking notice of trivial circumstances in your human relations by refusing to allow them to become controversial incidents. Big people always avoid small incidents in human relations by ignoring them completely.

Establish your own technique for conditioning your mind at the start of each day, based upon the instructions presented in this course, so you can maintain a positive mental attitude throughout the day.

Learn the art of selling yourself to others by indirection rather than by direct approach.

Adopt the habit of having a hearty laugh as a means of transmuting anger into a harmless emotion, and observe how effectively this will change your mind from negative to positive. Master salesmen follow this habit daily as a means of conditioning their own minds with a positive mental attitude. This is particularly essential in the work of selling.

Analyze your adversities, failures and defeats and determine the causes for them. Then observe how quickly you will discover the seed of an equivalent benefit which comes with such experiences.

Concentrate your mind on the can do portion of tasks you undertake and do not worry about the cannot do portion unless and until it meets you face to face. By that time the can do portion will probably have already brought you very close to success.

Learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into action which calls for a positive mental attitude. Make this a habit and follow this habit after every unpleasant experience.

Recognize that every circumstance which influences your life to any extent is usable grist for your mill of life, and make it pay off in some form of benefit, whether the circumstance is pleasant or unpleasant.

Recognize that no one can win all of the time no matter how much he may deserve to win. Learn to make allowances for the times when you will not win by transmuting the loss into some sort of gain from your experiences.

Learn to look upon life as a continuous process of learning from experiences, both the good and the bad.

Remember every thought your release comes back greatly multiplied, to bless or curse you. Watch your thought releases and make sure you send out only those whose fruits you are willing to receive in return.

Be careful of your associates because the negative mental attitude of other people is very contagious and it rubs off on one a little at a time.

Remember that you have a dual personality: one is positive and has a great capacity for belief; the other is negative and has an equally great capacity for disbelief. Place yourself on the side of the personality which believes and the other personality will disappear because of lack of exercise.
Remember that prayer brings the best results when the one who is praying has sufficient faith to see himself already in possession of that for which he prays. This calls for a positive mental attitude.


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