Conceive, Believe, & Achieve

Whatever the mind of man conceives, man can achieve, so long as his conception does not run counter to any natural laws and is in harmony with a moral and orderly universe. One of the purposes of man's existence here on earth seems to be to act as the receiver and distributor of the power of Infinite Intelligence.

We can see that, to the extent that man cooperates in this purpose, he allies himself with the forces behind all nature. And, conversely, to the extent that he looks out only for his own selfish ends, he is opposing this power, or retarding its flow.

The power of Infinite Intelligence pours life into us as a flowing stream, maintaining all of the functions of our bodies and minds. We can use it to guide and govern the circumstances and conditions of our lives, if we act as conductors of this energy, and shape it according to our constructive purposes.

The inflowing power has no limitations. It is forced to manifest itself in this world in a way in which we, as individuals, can understand and express it.Life energy flows into a positive, receptive mind in a continual stream, just as strips of aluminum alloy are fed into the punch presses of a fabricating plant. Going into it is potential life, potential abundance, potential power, potential riches. But, like the forced aluminum strips, our thoughts coming out can be only what we have expressed - what the stamping machines of our own convictions and beliefs have impressed upon the original material.

Whatever we accept, whatever we love, cherish or desire with a burning desire and hold constantly in our thoughts as our own, finds fulfillment in our lives. As sunlight, passing through a prism, is broken up into its component color rays, so Infinite Intelligence, in passing through our conscious mind, takes on a variety of forms.

The prism of our minds can be darkened only by the imperfections of our own creations of worry, fear and failure consciousness, which shut out all the lighter, happier colors. It is a stream of intelligence that starts through us, but just as a poorly made die in the punch press can cut rude and ugly pieces from the best of raw material, just as a faulty prism can turn beams of sunshine into shadows, so can our disbeliefs and doubts turn perfect life-energy into sickness, poverty, discord and misery.

The first essential then, is to be careful of the pattern of the die, to watch your desires and beliefs as carefully as the director of the United States Mint watches the die that casts the silver coins. Instead of picturing the things you fear and do not want, and thus stamping a negative on the Infinite Intelligence flowing into your mind, be sure to picture the conditions you do want.

If you would have faith, keep your mind on that which you want and off that which you do not want.


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