Room of Vision

I was introduced to the works of Napoleon Hill by my father at a small young age. Little did I know that this would have such a profound impact on my life! I view the works of Dr. Hill as a reference guide for successful living and take pride in practicing as many of the principles as I can.

One of the principles has to do with Auto-Suggestion. I am sure you have heard of a "Vision Board" but have you heard of a "Vision Room"?

To fully implement the Autosuggestion principle, I dedicated one room in my house for the purpose of meditation and connecting with Infinite Intelligence. The room is covered wall-to-wall with images that motivate me to move closer to what I want in all aspects of life.

At the centre of the room, there is a fountain that provides relaxing nature sounds to complement the meditation music that plays softly in the background. At the base of the fountain on a platform I have two candles. One candle represents where I am, and one represents where I am going. I also have a few of Dr. Hill’s books handy for easy reference along with a voice recorder to capture new and exciting ideas.

This room has served as an oasis for my mind resulting in many creative ideas and overall inner peace. I find that when we calm our mind, we give a chance for our subconscious mind to talk - which speaks to us through our intuition.

I encourage all of my clients to review Dr. Hill’s work carefully and always ask the question - "How Can I Implement These Ideas Today To Get Incredible Results?”


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