Success Principles in Practice

I recall knowing the names Napoleon Hill and Think & Grow Rich growing up in 80’s & 90’s. However, during those years they had no meaning to my life as I lived it on a daily basis. In the late 1990s I was reacquainted with the name Napoleon Hill when I took a personal development seminar. In the seminar I set a goal to become computer literate.

One of the first online searches I did was for Napoleon Hill. That search led me to the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center. I contacted the Director, Judy Williamson, and promptly found myself enrolled in the on line PMA-Science of Success course. I successfully completed the course and began implementing the 17 success principles on a daily basis.

I now keep a copy of Think & Grow Rich within reach on my desk, as well as a list of the 17 success principles. I often refer to them when making decisions. As an employee, my “first among equals” of the principles is Think Accurately.

Accurate Thinking in my mind is one of the keys to success. Another favorite is Learn from Adversity and Defeat. Here is an example of how I recently applied these two principles in extracting myself from a business situation.

I invested a number of years in building a home based business that did not evolve as I had anticipated. I was in the right place at the right time, but I was on the wrong team. It was no simple matter to switch teams. I finally did so but had to walk away from my efforts of 3 years. However, by the time I was able to make the switch, the opportunity had changed substantially along with the economy. I was no longer in the right place at the right time. It was time to do something different.

Rather than succumb to the change in circumstances and waste a lot of energy performing an autopsy and bemoaning the passing of the opportunity, I stepped back and made an accurate and thoughtful assessment of the current state of the business. This business was not going to get me where I wanted to go when I wanted to get there. After 4 years I would call this adversity and defeat. However, I earned an on-the-job degree in home based business building during this time.

My knowledge grew exponentially of what it takes to be successful in this industry from what it was when I started. I learned a lot. I have now shifted to another opportunity where I will be able to apply with great enthusiasm and a Positive Mental Attitude the lessons learned in the prior business endeavour.

The teachings and writings of Napoleon Hill are timeless. They apply as well today as they did in 1937 when Think & Grow Rich was published.

I commend them to you. These success principles can assist you in successfully meeting whatever challenges life throws at you on a daily basis.

I wish you the best.


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