Think & Grow Rich - Now is the Time for you !

We’re in the midst of the worst global recession since the 1930s. It’s certainly the most challenging business climate I’ve experienced in my career. It seems like everywhere I go people are talking about “sustainability” or the ability to endure.

I guess that’s to be expected, especially considering all the bad news we hear about those who are failing. What a shame! It doesn’t have to be that way. As a matter of fact, it shouldn’t be that way. Most of what we’re hearing and seeing center’s on how bad things are. I don’t dismiss the adversity we all face, however I also believe every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

Since there are so many people caught in the rut of distress, it’s easy to let down our guard and end up in the downward spiral with them. Don’t let that happen! Take charge of your life! Take action and exercise your privilege of choice.

To a large degree, we control our destiny by shaping our thoughts. When mixed with a purpose, persistence and a burning desire we can transform our thoughts into reality.Now is the time to focus on possibilities. Now is the time for action. Now is the time to get back to basics and exhaust all our energies on finding new and better ways to do things. It has been said that we can create anything we can imagine.

Rather than dwelling on the negative influence of our environment, wouldn’t it serve us better to exhaust our efforts on new ideas? Imagine what would happen if you focused your attention on the following question:
“What fundamental problem that, if solved, would revolutionize the way things are done?”
Wouldn’t that get the creative juices flowing?
Better yet, consider how your world would change if you could find an answer to the question. Never has there been a greater opportunity for someone willing and able to come up with new ideas and new ways of doing things. Just think about how the world has changed in the past few years. New leaders, new inventions, new ways of marketing products, new cures to diseases, new approaches to every aspect of business and personal lives.
Some big changes we have seen in recent times, Abdul Kalam a Muslim but the President of India a Hindu Nation, Barrack Obama an African American decent and the 44th President of USA, Malaysia with the 1 Malaysia theme and many more around us...
The failure of the most trusted and aggressive banking system, the American banking system or American Credit Crisis, the big sell out by investing firms, the Prime Minister in India a Punjabi / Sikh decent being a minority in India a Hindu dominated nation... and many more big or small that are making changes and strides in the world.
Behind this demand for new and better things there is one quality one must possess to win. That is Definiteness of Purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. To accomplish this requires practical people who can, and will, put their thoughts into action. Simple yet Practical.If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it with a burning desire, don’t let anything stop you from doing it. You are the owner of that Idea and you must take responsibility of its results plus its actions. Without trying how would you know what the results are. Weight it, evaluate it, but also put it into test or action to see the results. It’s the same like getting a medicine for H1N1, the most research and test we do only then we can find a medicine for the virus which has taken the world by storm currently.Those who succeed in life usually have their “aha” moment at a time when things appear to be the bleakest. It’s safe to say, we don’t have to look very far to see some kind of crisis.

Don’t let that stop you from truly considering what is possible and appropriate for your life.

Now is the time for new ideas.

Now is the time for action.

Now is the time to Think and Grow Rich.


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