Maintenance of Sound Health

I have been blessed to have had Napoleon Hill's teachings in my life. They have certainly made a tremendous impact in my life just as they have with so many others. I appreciate the opportunity to continue to spread the messages that Napoleon Hill has left in his legacy to the world. Because all of the 17 principles of success are important, I chose to mention each of the principles while writing about achieving the 15th principle today.

Maintenance of Sound Health is very important because without it, one would have a very hard time having the energy to carry themselves through applying the other 16 principles. Also, it is commonly found that success in this area, leads to success in other areas of life. In my explanation of how to maximize maintenance of sound health, I can't help but mention also that applying each of the other principles is critical to the level of success one will achieve with the 15th principle as well.

First of all, having "definiteness of purpose" knowing exactly what "sound health" is to you will help you start your journey of getting there.

Second, finding like minded partners (mastermind alliance) to surround yourself with who also can assist you with the thoughts and ideas needed for making progress toward developing and maintaining sound health.

Third, "apply faith" and truly make the decision and believe that you can achieve it. "Whether you believe you can or can't, your right!" (Autosuggestion is a great way of inducing faith).

Fourth, I am sure that you would agree with me if you stepped onto a treadmill to get in shape, we should all literally "go the extra mile". I will trust that there is no extra needed explanation of this principle.

Fifth, have a "pleasing personality" to feel good about yourself and to induce the cooperation of others.

Sixth, take "personal initiative" by having a plan and taking immediate and continuous action upon it. (Seriously, if you are so darn good at procrastinating, then just "procrastinate later" :)

Seventh, a "positive mental attitude" will attract to you that which you desire into your life. Also, (side note) that which you "worry" about does nothing more than to act "as a prayer" for what you do not want!

Eighth, no great accomplishment is ever achieved without the "enthusiasm" to make it happen. One definition of success is "the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm".

Ninth, As Albert Einstein once said, "when a person is sufficiently motivated discipline will take care of itself". So finding out exactly WHY you desire sound health will help you have the "self discipline" necessary for it's attainment.

Tenth, Asking yourself empowering questions that will serve you for a positive benefit (Ex. What is my deep emotional reason why & what do I mean by that specifically?) is applying the tenth principle, "accurate thinking".

Eleventh, you get what you focus on. This is why you would want to fill your mind with everything possible to build your beliefs on how and why you will succeed. That which was just described is an example of the eleventh principle, "controlled attention".

Twelfth, "teamwork" is simply as it is stated, "working with a team". Similar to how a mastermind alliance helps you with the ideas needed for your success, "teamwork" is involved with the action of physically building and maintaining your sound health.

Thirteenth, "adversity and defeat" is inevitable because it is well known that it can and will happen on your journey of turning your desire into it's physical equivalent. Just make sure to get up one time more than that you are knocked down. "That which does not kill you only will make you stronger".

Fourteenth, see, feel and believe that you have already acquired the vision that you have created for yourself. Also, make sure that your "creative vision" is something that inspires you to continue to take action on it's attainment.

Fifteenth, once you have done the work of creating your sound health, "maintenance of sound health" is even easier because it is now within your comfort zone by being something that you have already experienced.

Sixteenth, "budgeting time and money" is important because of what such valuable resources they are. Any waste of either of these resources will inhibit the progress of your goal attainment.

Seventeenth, because of "cosmic habit force", your habits (good or bad) will magnify the results that you will find yourself getting on your journey of achievement of "maintenance of sound health" or any other goal you desire in life.


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