The Millionaires Program

Your most valuable asset is your mind. It is your ability to think, to question, to analyze and then to decide and take action. Each lesson will give key ideas and exercises that will help you to make better decisions and get better results. Your job is to take action on these decisions once you have made them.

Getting Into The Game
Let's begin with the basics. Whether you are already operating a business, or you have just decided to start a new business, you must continually evaluate your current situation. Even if you are currently selling a product or service, you must recognize and accept that 80% or more of your products or services will be new or different in five years. As an exercise, imagine that you were starting over today. Is there anything that you are doing that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn't get into again today? Imagine that you have no limitations of time, money, experience or resources. If you could do or be anything in your business life, what would you choose?

Start With Yourself
Begin with your own talents, your own abilities, your experience, knowledge, interest, background, education and so on. Look carefully at your current work, your current business, your current position, or your current product or service. Look within your own life and work, under your own feet, for your own "acres of diamonds."
What qualities do you have that account for your greatest success in life so far?
What personal skills and abilities have gotten you to where you are today?
How could you apply those same skills and abilities to starting and building a new business?

Customer Need
Many fortunes begin when an individual sees a customer need that is not being satisfied and which their current company has no interest or desire in satisfying. Sometimes this idea comes as the result of customer inquiries or complaints. Often, the individual decides that he will start a new business, sometimes on the side, to give these customers what they are asking for. Sometimes there is a great business opportunity staring you in the face, right where you are today. What could it be?

What Can You Improve Upon?
Look for something that is an improvement on an existing product or service rather than something brand new. Look for something that is cheaper or of better quality. Look for something that has additional features or functions that current products don't offer. Look for something that is better in some way in comparison to something that people are already buying and using. Improving an existing successful product or service is the fastest and surest way to build a successful business. An idea only needs to be 10% newer and better to capture substantial market share.

What Can You Get Excited About?
Look for a product or service about which you can really become enthusiastic. Sometimes people become wealthy by translating or transforming their hobbies into a business. You will always be most successful doing something or marketing something that you really love and care about. Every product or service, and business, must have a champion.

Action Exercise
Make a list of your passions in life, then go down that list and look for something you may be able to turn into a profitable business


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