When you fail to get the desired results, what's the first thing you must do? Take credit for it.

If you don't take credit, you don't learn the extremely valuable lesson for which you've just paid dearly. If you don't take credit and own your failures, you'll continue to experience more of them.

Instead, go ahead and take complete credit and ownership of your failures. Because when you take full ownership of your failures, you fully empower yourself to successfully get beyond them.

What you own, you control. When you choose to own your results, then you put yourself in control of those results.

When you own your results, you can decide what those results will be. And they can be whatever you wish to make them.

Admit your failures, take credit for them, embrace them, and own them. When you willingly take responsibility and ownership even for the failures, you're positioned for magnificent success.


When you don't understand something, that's an opportunity to learn. And when you do understand, you can also learn.

From every situation, from every encounter, from every experience, you can learn. From success, and from disappointment as well, there is much you can learn.

Why is it so important to learn? Because knowledge leverages your every action.

The more you know, the more effective you can be. With sufficient knowledge, what was once impossible becomes possible and what was once merely a possibility becomes real.

Learning is not just for students in school. The most valuable, useful learning often comes from the rich experiences of everyday life.

Each moment is a unique opportunity to learn. Value and make use of those opportunities, and life will steadily grow more richly rewarding.

If you make more progress than you thought you would, don't compensate by slowing down. You're doing great, so raise your expectations even higher and keep going strong.

If you fail to make as much progress as you had planned, don't get discouraged. Remind yourself of why you're making the effort, and re-commit to getting it done.

Consistent, purposeful effort will reliably bring the results you seek. On some days you'll move faster than on other days, yet every day you'll keep going forward.

Never forget that there is great power in small actions that are repeated again and again. Though the path may be long and winding and uneven, by continuing to put one foot in front of the other, you'll reach your destination.

Celebrate the small victories and learn from the small defeats. Then, keep on moving steadily toward the goal you've chosen.

Put the power of consistent effort to work. And each day, you'll bring new value to life.




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