Small Change Big Impact

Even the smallest positive effort can create a radical shift in your perspective. Even the smallest positive effort can begin to create a powerful, forward-focused momentum.

If it seems you’re going through a bad stretch, make the choice to change your momentum. Then step decisively forward and act on that choice.

The way to change something is to do something. You can wish and worry and complain until you’re blue in the face, yet nothing good is likely to happen until you act to make it happen.

When you avoid any effort, life can seem endlessly overwhelming. Yet the moment you start to do something you’re suddenly connected, almost as if by magic, to all kinds of positive options.

Though you may not feel like it, and though you may have to do it on faith, take a small positive step. Make a little effort in a good and positive direction, and you’ll be making a big change in your momentum.

Your actions absolutely can make a difference, so choose to use that power. Act to give your momentum a change for the better, and delight in the new direction in which you’re headed.


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