Living at peace with you n all

Do what you wish to do, live the way you wish to live, and achieve what you choose to achieve. Yet do it all not in opposition to others, but in harmony with all that is happening.

You don’t have to fight to get your way. It is far more powerful and effective to achieve your aims through love, understanding, and giving.

Sure, there will always be discord in this world. Yet it does not ever have to come from you.

Put your energy into positive achievement, not into spite or anger or jealousy. Use your moments to pull yourself forward, not to push others back.

The best possible world you can live in is a world in which everyone prospers. Make it your business to support, encourage and enable such a world.

Go peacefully with life’s flow, and make use of it to fashion your own unique fulfillment. Live your dreams with true authenticity so that others may live theirs.


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