Enjoy this very Moment!

You don’t need ideal conditions in order to enjoy an ideal life. You can simply make the choice to do so.

You don’t have to wait until the perfect moment to be happy. Any moment and every moment will do, including this one.

Whatever you’re doing, add a smile and a positive attitude to it. Life’s beauty is everywhere, so make the empowering choice to see it everywhere.

You can choose to complain about your lot in life and to feel sorry for yourself, or you can choose to enjoy the wonder that’s all around you. Keep in mind that there’s valuable opportunity in everything, and a positive perspective enables you to tap into that opportunity.

There are plenty of problems to be fixed, wrongs to be made right, and obstacles to overcome. And the most effective way to move forward is with joy, not with bitterness.

Challenge yourself to enjoy this very moment, fully, completely, sincerely, authentically. And learn to put the power of joy in everything you do.


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