How we see things!

There’s something beautiful about the moment you’re in. Find the beauty, feel the beauty, enjoy it, appreciate it, and let it expand.

There’s something beautiful about the place where you are. See that beauty, delight in it, and let its positive power encompass you.

In any situation, you can choose to see the beauty in life. When you do, you become more loving, more peaceful, more effective, and more fulfilled.

In seeing life’s beauty you are able to recognize life’s best possibilities. Appreciate the beauty, and you gain access to the abundance in which you are immersed.

Instead of reacting with anger, despair or frustration, choose to be amazed by the beauty that is always there. Something about every situation is beautiful, and you gain valuable insight by aligning yourself with it.

In what you do, in where you go, there is beauty. Choose to see and to live that beauty, and make your life truly rich.


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