Creative Thinking

When you try too hard to be creative, all you get is trying and not much creating. Let go of the trying, let go of the striving, and let the creative thoughts flow.

You are filled with spectacular thoughts and ideas for making life more beautiful and fulfilling. The problem is, most of those ideas never reach the surface because you’re trying so hard to think of other things.

So just ease off the trying and enjoy watching and listening as your thoughts naturally come into your awareness. Instead of getting all uptight with the goal of a particular thought in mind, just pay attention to what your authentic self is telling you.

Before long, if you simply let your thoughts flow, something very useful and appropriate will come along. It will have the added benefit of being elegant and original.

There is so much value in your authentic thoughts that you don’t ever have to settle for contrived thoughts. Be grateful and joyful about who you are, and you will easily come to understand what you seek to know.

You have an immensely deep and largely untapped reservoir of brilliant creativity within you. Let your thoughts freely flow, and let that creativity come forth.


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