Hope, Creativity, Positive Attitude

A very good day,

Some of the greatest lessons are taught by children. The following strings of thoughts can also be applied to that line. Life can be enjoyable if we become aware of the necessity of variety. A child has the desire to have and appreciate variety in life. It does not think about the silliness or magnanimity of its thoughts about variety but just goes seeking for it.Anyone who has observed a child for just five minutes would attest the fact that the child is continuously seeking variety and change. For a child, life is that particular moment only. It delves into the endless possibilities of finding variety in its day. No wonder children are the happiest in the world.As we grow up, we somehow tend to become content with routines and seriousness.
· We run to our office without giving a thought about the cool breeze that morning.
· We gulp down our tea without even thinking how wonderful it is to taste and feel the refreshing experience of tea.
· We rummage through the newspapers and forget to feed our minds with positive thoughts.
· We say the routine 'hello' to many and just pass, when we can really think how blessed we are to know people who respect and hold us in esteem.

Then one day we realize we have grown older, mentally and physically. We become so preoccupied with our responsibilities, chores, problems, future, career, health and family that we forget to enjoy the daily joys of this life.Where has the child in us gone?It is so fortunate for us that God has kept that child's spirit permanently inside us, for us to resort to in case we feel we are being bogged down by life. Life need not be bad.Ask your child or some child and see their response to a question:"How are you doing today?" Their answer will surprise us. They will invariably talk about present things and most probable something positive, creative, challenging; something that gives them aspirations, hope and happiness.We too need to wake up the child in us. Now, if you can do this small exercise to wake the child in you:
1. Get a drawing paper

2. Front page divide it into 2 equal half’s

3. The back is one big part

4. The big part, please imagine what and how you were when you were 7 (seven) years old. The life you had, the friends you had, the toys you had, the games you play, the things you do. You can’t write anything down. NO WORDS. You are suppose to draw it out. Imagine and be creative. Draw it. How good or bad, it’s ok. It’s how you express yourself. You do it. It’s your life. It’s your experience.

5. Then the 2 front parts. 1st one, draw about your current self. The things you do, the things you own. The life you leave. The family you have. The love one’s you cherish and care for so much. The car you drive. Anything that come to your mind and soul. Put it in drawing and in paper. Make sure you do it. Make sure it happens in any creative way.

6. The 3rd part, do what you want to achieve and imagine what would you be in 5 years from now. The things you do, the things you own. The life you leave. The family you have. The love one’s you cherish and care for so much. The car you drive. Anything that come to your mind and soul. Put it in drawing and in paper. Make sure you do it. Make sure it happens in any creative way. The dreams you want to achieve or would have achieved.

7. After finish this. Place this on your table. Work area. Remind yourself the feelings when you were 7 (seven). Then turn it and see the back part every day once in the morning and once in the evening, remind yourself your current life and the goals you want to achieve. Make sure you do it every day and you subconscious mind would start working towards it. You have started your law of attraction towards success and the journey to be an achiever.

Now, take time to enjoy the morning breeze, feel the joy of having a wonderful tea with a friend, enjoy the sight of innocent kittens playing, the wonderful sight of an eagle soaring, water droplets on the leaves, the morning sound of kids going to school, the parents shouting to wake the child up, the kids that are rushing into school, the uncle that sweeps the front of his house, the man that jogs in the morning, the chickens that wakes you up, her crows and sounds in the morning, the smell of the falling rain, the smell of the country side and fresh air in the jungle.. the list can go on.What an effect these things would create in our minds!

This only works, when you actually do it, follow the rules and do it consecutively for 21days. Automatically the mind has set its clock timer to work towards your dreams and goals in the subconscious mind.

To Your Success!


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