Start Again

If the day starts off with disappointment or frustration, start again. Take a few seconds to re-boot your attitude to a more positive and effective one.

What happened before does not have to drag down what is happening now. Look in the direction you wish to proceed and let go of everything else.

Plenty of people can be annoying but you don’t have to be annoyed. All sorts of situations can be frustrating but you don’t have to be frustrated.

Rise above all that. There is great, unique value in your life and that value deserves to be expressed and experienced by you, here, today.

You have love to give, joy to live, achievements to bring to the world, and a whole lot of other important things to do. Put your energy into what lifts you up and pushes you forward.

The world is as it is, and you can decide to be better for it, more motivated, more determined and more effective. As often as necessary, take the opportunity to start again, and bring your special goodness to all of life.


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