Think of what u can be!

What you think of life plays an essential role in what you do with your life. Your thoughts can lock you in a prison of mediocrity or they can push you in each moment to be your spectacular best. 

If you think the task will be difficult, tedious, frustrating or painful, it will be. If you think there’s something valuable and enriching to be found in each day, in each situation, in each action, there will be. 

Your thoughts decide the course of this day. Even with a whole world of other influences, your thoughts take precedent over how you live. 

If you think every bad thing that happens to you is somebody else’s fault, you strip yourself of the ability to do anything positive. If you think of yourself as ultimately responsible no matter who does what, you will consistently take yourself to beautiful, fulfilling places. 

Objective reality is the way it is. What you think about that reality determines what you accomplish with it and how you live. 

There is a way to live true to your highest vision of life. Think that you can, do what you think, and you will.

Limits are set by us in our minds as to fear of failure. Those who failed and raise again are those who who knows how it feels to be winner again n again.


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