Intend and Allow

There is no need to worry or strive. For you are able to intend and allow.

You are so highly capable that you’d be stunned to see the full extent of what you can do. Unfortunately, most of that capability is smothered under your own doubts, fears and worries.

Fortunately, you can crowd all those negative things out of your awareness. The way to do that is with a solid, specific, deeply meaningful intention.

When each day begins, choose to focus on a clearly defined way in which you intend to make life better. Then, as the day goes along, allow yourself to make use of opportunities that arise for fulfilling that intention.

Those opportunities will most certainly be there. You don’t have to strive or wish or struggle or connive.

Simply have a clear, meaningful intention, and allow yourself to fulfill it. Intend, allow, and put your amazing capabilities to their highest use.


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