Positive About Negative Results

When you get negative results after a lot of hard work, that can certainly be disappointing. But there’s nothing to be gained by letting those negative results give you a negative attitude.

Choose your attitude based not on what has already happened, but on what you intend to make happen now. Though you may have had a negative experience, there’s no reason to continue on that downward path.

When you’ve fallen short of the goal, that’s no time to lose confidence in your ability. After all, you’re more highly experienced than ever, and you’ve just developed a very clear understanding of what doesn’t work.

Decide to make good and positive use of that newfound wisdom. Go ahead and get started applying your increased level of experience in a useful and productive way.

Step away from that worthless self pity and stride confidently toward a higher degree of empowerment. Your hard work has earned you the right to be more confident than ever before.

When you get a negative result, do yourself a favor and be positive about it. Work cheerfully through all the setbacks, and soon your achievements will outshine them all.


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