At peace with the moment

Frustration is caused by wanting to be where you are not, or to do what you are not doing, or to stop what you are already doing. Enjoy where you are and what you’re doing, and frustration is no more.
Of course it goes against your grain to enjoy something you’ve decided is not enjoyable. But it is not as hard as you might think.

Would you prefer to be frustrated, anxious and inefficient, or would you rather choose to enjoy the moment? Do you want your attitude to work against you, or would you like your attitude to work in your favor?

Can you find it within yourself to be at peace with the moment, with the situation, with the task at hand? Of course you can.

Let your choices, rather than habitual reactions, determine your state of mind. Let yourself be your best by letting go of the need to fight against whatever is going on.

Express your high standards not by getting frustrated, but by getting peacefully and purposefully busy. Be at peace with the moment, and enable yourself to live it at your best.


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