Is your social media strategy sending the right message?

Social media is an inexpensive and high return activity that can make or break your brand strategy.  Utilised well, it reinforces and strengthens your identity and increases your visibility online as well as your SEO ranking.  Get it wrong and it sends mixed messages and weakens your identity.
Sharing your brand message via social media isn’t rocket science, but there are some pitfalls and traps for rookies that can be overcome using a few simple tips.
Be consistent! Brand identity communicates who you are to your existing and potential customers, so the first and probably the most important tip is to be consistent with your message. You don’t want to be too formal or you break the ‘social’ rule. Ensure that you keep your style and delivery as natural and similar to your brand identity as possible. Steer clear of controversial topics such as religion or politics unless you are prepared to wear the fallout and risk putting customers offside.  Whilst auto tweeting every link from Facebook to Twitter isn’t the most exciting content for your likers and followers it is imperative that similar content is shared in order to create consistency and reinforce the brand message.
When consumers hear the same message in various formats they are likely to switch off and at worst dislike the message and the brand, perhaps unconsciously.   Consistency and repetitiveness are not the same thing so watch this trap and ensure you get the balance right.  The interaction of your followers, or lack thereof will be your guide.
Be engaging! Selling your product or service over and over without encouraging interaction is a no-no and does your social media algorithms no favours. You know that the more people interact, the more frequently your posts appear right? Content should ideally be relevant to your product or service, but not so much of a hard sell. Engage your customers on a personal level and not only will they see more of your posts but they’ll pay more attention when you share product information, as long as you do it well.
Don’t underestimate the power of social media to reinforce your brand identity and seek feedback in ways you may never have been able to before. Being accessible and responsive is a great strategy and you’ll have up to date intelligence on who your customers are, why they choose you, or ditch you, and how they feel about you in general.
Last but not least, effective and active social media interaction is good for your SEO as well as the strength of your identity as a brand and has the capacity to increase your visibility online.
Time to do a self-audit, or even better, ask your customers. Is your social media reinforcing and strengthening your brand and identity or are you getting it all wrong? 


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