How much of their
leisure time do teenagers devote to reading? Not much. According the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, teens read for pleasure, on average, just six minutes
each day. Why?
Attitudes toward
reading are one factor, but not the only factor. (Consider that, because we’re
talking about reading the child freely chooses, she must not only like reading,
she must like it more than the other available choices. I’ll have more to say
about that on Friday.) Attitudes toward reading peak in early elementary years.
With each passing year, students’ attitudes towards reading drop.
It’s not hard to see
why that might happen. For most children, learning to read is rewarding; it’s a
sign of getting older, of gaining a skill that older siblings and friends
possess. The emphasis in those early years is on understanding and appreciating
stories. But consider how reading changes in the mid-elementary years and
Higher expectations for
comprehension: stories become longer and more complex. A page from a book
for first-graders might be a picture with a sentence or two of text. By third
grade, students are expected to read chapter books like Charlotte’s
Less choice: As
kids get older, they are confronted with more texts they must read,
and less often have the option to replace a book they aren’t enjoying with
something else.
More genres: Early
elementary students read mostly stories, a genre familiar to many from
read-alouds, movies, and television. Later they encounter biography, news
stories, and other genres with different organizations and conventions. The
novelty of the genre makes comprehension harder.
Different purposes:
Perhaps most important, teachers ask students to put reading to new purposes.
Younger children read to comprehend and enjoy a narrative. Older children might
read to locate specific facts during research. Or they read to learn and
remember material for a quiz.
Curiously, attitudes towards reading
drops not only for the reading that students do at school, but also for reading
they do at home (McKenna et al, 1995).
Why would
attitudes toward leisure reading drop?
One possibility is
that students don’t differentiate among different types of reading (Gallagher,
2009). They perceive that the reading they are required to do for school
feels like work, not a leisure activity. And that feeling changes their
attitude towards leisure reading.
If students do not
make a distinction between reading for pleasure and reading that is not
optional, that must be completed, and that usually has other assignments
associated with it, why not make this distinction clear to them?
Obviously I’m not
suggesting that teachers present assigned reading as drudgery. Rather, the
message might be that reading for leisure includes more options than reading
for school. You can skip parts that seem slow. You can peek at the ending.
You can drop books at your whim. You can read only in the genre that pleases
you, be it biography, horror, manga, or technical diagrams of heavy machinery.
The litmus test for any text and any manner of reading is whether it brings you
Teachers are well
practiced in answering the querulous question “Why do we have to do this?” It
may be worth emphasizing to students how much they might enjoy the reading that
they don’t have to do.