Why Fish Philosophy Works

Pikes Place, a fish market in Seattle, is known for its fun style of business. They toss fish around as if they were footballs.

They have a sign that says, “Caution: Low Flying Fish.” Any business that has a sign about low flying product must be having fun. The employees love working there because they are engaged and willing to “ham” it up. The allow people to have fun and hire people according to their superpowers. They make sure that their employees are excited about creating a great experience.
People from all over visit this historic place to buy fish and watch the show. So it also attracts customers who are looking to buy quality fish and have a fun experience.
Do you want to retain your best employees and have more fun at work? You should probably check out the first 6 modules of the Work Happy Now Emergency Kit. It has three main sections: team building ideas, games you can play with your co-workers, and how to create a more positive attitude.

John Christensen noticed the magic at Pike’s Place and created a documentary called “Fish!” which then spawned the book Fish Philosophy. There are four main concepts that Fish Philosophy focuses on. They are…
Be There
An employee who is engaged in his/her work isn’t concerned about anything, but the job at hand. They are there to do good work. It’s hard to put ourselves in the moment, but the more we can get lost in the work the more fun it is.
“It means getting out of your own ‘world’ so you can BE THERE for someone else. It means setting aside emotional baggage from the past, and worries about the future in order to appreciate the opportunities you have available to you, right now.”

What we choose to focus on will determine how we feel. If all we do is complain about making more money or wanting a better boss, we are creating a negative mindset. If we choose to focus on our wonderful co-workers and how we enjoy the work that we do, we are choosing to see the positive in our situation.
“Most of us believe our attitudes are caused directly by outside influences like unpleasant experiences or negative people. But while external pressures may trigger our feelings, we are the ones wearing those feelings like a suit of clothes. We can either be subservient to external events, few of which we have any control over, or we can take charge of our own response.”

We talk about the importance of gratitude on this site, specifically giving gratitude to others. Gratitude makes the giver feel good as well as the person who receives the compliment. When we stop worrying about how we are going to be happy at work and focus on helping others be happy, the byproduct is that our happiness increases.
“At a deeper level, “make their day” means taking a genuine interest in the unique gifts of others. Spontaneous or planned, when you make the effort to brighten someone’s day—not because you want a reward, but because that’s the person you want to be—you receive an internal gift that makes life even more meaningful as well. No matter what, making someone’s day is a win-win. Every single time.”

Having fun at work is a must. If all a company does is make products and push them down people’s throats then work is a drag.
“An ‘all-business’ approach has a human cost: It’s not inspiring. We shut down emotionally and many who might make creative contributions keep that part of themselves at home.”

When we work in the now (Be There), stop complaining and start noticing the good in our lives (Choose Attitude), recognize the importance of giving gratitude (Make their Day), and have fun at work (Play), then we are creating a work life that makes us happy.
And we all know happy employees give the best results.
As you know employee engagement is so important to creating an environment that supports employees emotional needs, so check out David Zinger’s blog that focuses on creating more engaged employees.

Fun Workplace - Create A Fun Workplace! ...Implementing the FISH Philosophy

The work is hard, the hours long. Yet these employees choose to bring amazing passion, fun and commitment to work every day. The remarkable wisdom of a Seattle fish market is inspiring organizations worldwide to create fulfilled employees and delighted customers. FISH! tells the story of Seattle's World Famous Pike Place Fish. In this incredible workplace, employees don't just fill orders, they fill people - with fun, friendliness, attentiveness, and enthusiasm. The FISH! philosophy has become an extraordinary international phenomenon. Thousands of organizations worldwide are adopting its vital message. It has created a new vocabulary of what work should be about.

The philosophy is so simple it's profound - and it will change how you view work! People watch FISH! the first time because it's fun, but they watch it over and over because it's fundamental. Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude with them each day. An environment in which people are truly connected to their work, to their colleagues and to their customers. Impossible? Not at all. FISH! is a tool to help you lead people toward creating that environment.

Participants will learn the 4 steps of the FISH! Philosophy:
Make Their Day
Be There
Choose Your Attitude

Everyone can benefit from a little lightening up during the day. People who find ways to incorporate “play” into their daily lives approach their work, responsibilities and challenges with energy and enthusiasm. In fact, some of the best innovations in the world are a result of playing with ideas. And some of the most serious environments can also benefit from a sense of playfulness. It is this that allows us the freedom to tap into our inner, innovative being –– unearthing that which helps our organization fly forward into the future. Successfully.

Make Their Day:
“Make their day” can be a big production—giving a present, taking someone out to dinner—but it doesn’t have to be. It might be as simple as holding open a door for someone, asking about a person’s family, saying thank you. It might mean telling a friend, from your heart, how much you appreciate all they do for you. It moves past just being civil or pleasant—it’s taking that extra step you didn’t have to take. And that makes all the difference.

Be There:
To “be there” for another person has a powerful effect. Think about how good it feels when someone gives you her or his undivided attention, focusing on your needs and feelings.

Choose Your Attitude:
“Choose your attitude” asks only that you make your own choice and not try to pass it off on something or someone else. Once you accept that you are the only one who is choosing your attitude at this moment, you can decide whether to keep it or shape it into an attitude that’s more satisfying. You control your attitude, not the other way around.

To begin to change anything, we have to change the way we speak about it, the way we feel about it and definitely the way we act about it day in and day out.

That’s the beauty of the four simple but powerful principles that are the bedrock of The FISH! Philosophy:
·         Be There
·         Play
·         Make Their Day
·         Choose Your Attitude

These principles gives people a common language that inspires new conversations about what’s possible. New attitudes develop. Performance improves. Customers notice. Trust increases. FISH! gets into the hearts and minds of everyone at work, empowering them to be alive and engaged.
Our team of strategic experts, curriculum developers, speakers, trainers and other creative team members, will collaborate with you to customize the infusion of FISH! into your organization, tailored to any organizational goal – inspiring innovation, productivity, leadership, culture, teamwork, employee retention, customer service and others.

After all, training is what someone does to you, while learning is what you do for yourself. And that’s where we believe real transformation begins … when you feel it in your gut.
We believe that people learn best when their hearts and minds are both deeply engaged. When it matters to us personally, we own it and we work harder to learn and make a difference.
PEOPLE 1ST experience-centered approach is flexible and responsive, but most importantly, it makes sure that all of our brains and souls are engaged in every step of the process.

We’ll start where you’re ready to start.
There are many ways to infuse FISH! into an organization. Based on our learnings from organizations of all shapes and sizes around the globe, we’ve outlined a general flow of key experiences that help introduce FISH! and keep it alive in the long term.

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate on ways to refine this flow for your organization.

This program can be presented as a full-day program.

The FISH!™ Philosophy
Are you ready to be inspired and to tap into the potential of your team?
The FISH! Philosophy is inspired by a group of fishmongers from Seattle’s Pike Place FISH! Market. This team is a shining example of how you can create a culture and workplace that encourages people to flourish and increase productivity. Being a fishmonger is obviously hard work, despite the cold and harsh conditions, they have found a way to harness a positive attitude and have fun at work.
Why has this team of fishmongers become world famous? We’ll tell you how so read on. Thousands of organisations in 28 different countries are discovering how 4 basic principles can result in a newfound energy, passion and commitment.
If your people are your biggest asset, it’s time to introduce them to FISH!

Fantastic FISH!™
Inspirational Coaching have been working with various organisations in Australia bringing the fantastic and highly acclaimed FISH!™ philosophy to life. We have shown how implementing the FISH! philosophy can transform an unhappy and unproductive team into an energised and focused powerhouse.
John Christensen, the CEO of Charthouse Learning, first noticed the incredible energy of the Pike Place FISH! market and brought his cameras to capture the impact the fishmongers had on each other and their customers. What makes FISH! so successful is that it is simple and is about normal people who tapped into their own potential. Everybody can relate to the principles and have fun in the process.

Managers love that FISH! is about individual commitment. Each person can live and develop FISH! in their own way. Everybody is responsible for integrating the principles into their behaviour and attitude.
FISH! will make a difference immediately. There are small things people can start doing now that will change the way it feels to work, live, communicate and lead.
We will use FISH! as a foundation for change in your organisation. An increasing number of people around the world are looking for a way to change how it feels to be at work and what they do when they are there. People are getting clearer expectations about what they value and what they need at work. FISH! provides an opportunity to explore what you really want your workplace to create and achieve whilst tapping into the strengths and passions of your people.

The FISH!™ Principles
Play ~ Work made fun gets done! Play is not about games or toys; it is about your state of mind. Be creative in your problem solving. Encourage people to dare to dream. How can everyday tasks be made fun and challenging? Play energises you and the people around you. What does this mean in terms of productivity for your team? Any job can be boring if you make it boring. Note ~ this is not about throwing FISH!...

Make Their Day ~ Often when discussing the ‘make their day principle’, people complain about being too busy to stop and think about someone else. When thinking about this principle, remember to keep it simple. You might just start with smiling at someone you don’t know very well. Turn an everyday encounter into a pleasant experience for someone. Your kindness, patience and thoughtfulness will be returned. You might even enjoy making someone’s day! Think about a leader who has inspired you. For sure, they made someone’s day everyday! Look at grumpy people as a challenge. What will bring a smile to their face?

Be Present ~ Many of us need to practice this. With so many demands on our time, we often put ‘being present’ way down on the list of priorities. When was the last time you were completely in someone else’s moment? This principle means you are focused, listening and even empathising with someone. Not typing or making coffee at the same time. Do you have the ability to understand the private world of another person as if it were your own? 

Are you just going through the motions or are you present at work?
Choose Your Attitude ~ If you look for negativity you will be sure to find it. Empower yourself to respond to challenges and problems in a constructive and positive way. Celebrate success and sit back; you will see the energy this can bring to a workplace. How do you start your day? When you get dressed every morning, ‘put on’ your attitude. There are dozens of small things you can celebrate everyday. Where do you invest your energy? Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?

The FISH!™ Workshops
The Inspirational Coaching team will tailor a FISH! program just for you. After a detailed consultation process we will present you with an outline of a workshop for your organisation. Talk to us about the outcomes you want to achieve and we will use various FISH! activities that will engage everyone and ensure you get a great result. Our FISH! workshops will build strong teams and challenge individuals. We reward risk taking and learning in an environment which fosters success and builds confidence. Most importantly, our FISH! workshops are fun.
Inspirational Coaching has various relationships with national venues and organisations. Let us do all the organising for you. We can also suggest ways you can measure the impact of FISH! once your team has had the opportunity to implement the agreed actions.
Are you ready to transform your organisations culture?

FISH! workshops we are currently delivering include:
  • ·         Team Building
  • ·         Sales
  • ·         Business development / Goal setting
  • ·         Customer Service
  • ·         Change management
  • ·         Workplace culture
  • ·         Staff retention programs
  • ·         Building Client Relationships
  • ·         Self Management at work
  • ·         FISH! for managers
  • ·         FISH! for Schools and Teachers
  • ·         FISH! for Life


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