Meaningful Resolution 2017

Time has flown so fast and it is that time of year when we once again welcome a new year i.e. 2017. And as always it comes with lots of New Year resolutions that we usually never keep! The New Year is in a sense a reset button. It’s an opportunity for us to do all those things that we promised but never got down to really doing it.

This year, I want to help you by giving you what I think are three great resolutions. 

1. Work on your Health

Getting healthy means indulging in exercise and making healthier eating choices. Make one small change at a time. For exercise, start with something easy like walking and then making the transition to running etc. For eating choices, start to avoid those foods which ‘you know’ are unhealthy, and then go on to eating those that are healthy. The evidence is clear and that is regular exercise with good eating habits has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man.

2. Enjoy Life More

Life in today’s world is stressful and hectic. Everyone can most certainly benefit with a better work lifestyle balance. Hence enjoy life more by the following:

a.      Allocate one day a week for a friends night out

b.     Spend weekends exclusively with the family

c.      Go home from work on time, at least twice a week. Work will never run from you; you have to run away from work.

d.     Go for more holidays in 2017.

3. Strive to become a Better Person

Strive to be a better person than you were in 2016. This could be in relation to skills, behavior or attitudes. Make a conscious effort to change to want to become a better wife, husband, father, mother, employee etc. You don’t have to make quantum changes, just small significant ones like keeping time, respecting people a little more, smiling more often etc.

4. Learn A New Skill or Trade

Times are getting though in 2016 and we should sharpen our saw and seek to understand before being understood with and by developing a new skill & trade. This is focus in enhancing your skills, knowledge and also potentially generate income for the future. E.g. You have a hobby of cooking or motorcycle then learn to be a great cook and have a niche dish or learn to repair that old bike / motorcycle you still had it parked in the garage.

Good luck and may you go on to achieve all of your resolutions. Have an awesome 2017.


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